The Untold History of India

Baba Deep Singh Ji successfully led an army to victory at the age of 75. Image courtesy of Artist Bhagat Singh,

Sikh religion is India's finest philosophy. It is a practical, rational and proven model for social, political and economic prosperity; developed by natives of a great ancient civilization at its peak; during its time of greatest need; and for the benefit of all.

During the 1500-1700's, India was the largest economy in the World due to abundant fertile land and hard-working people. However, even with this largest economy, people's productivity and GDP was stifled due to corrupt and incompetent rulers and administrators; regular invasions by invaders from Central Asia; stifling social structures, practices and beliefs which kept people weak and distracted; and over-taxation and exploitation of the workers.

Francisco Pelsaert of the Dutch East India Company wrote an account of his travels in 'Jahangir's India' during 1620-7 and said "the manner of life of the rich in their great superfluity and absolute power, and the utter subjection and poverty of the common people poverty so great and miserable that the life of the people can be depicted or accurately described only as the home of stark want and the dwelling-place of bitter woe. The Governors are usually bribed by the thieves to remain inactive, for avarice dominates manly honour, and, instead of maintaining troops, they fill and adorn their mahals with beautiful women, and seem to have the pleasure-house of the whole world within their walls".

The rulers of that era were corrupt, incompetent, and only concerned with their riches, comfort and pleasures in great courts and palaces. The ordinary people were brutally suppressed. The elite intellectuals were in service of the rulers. North India was repeatedly attacked by invaders from Central Asia as the rulers and governors were too weak and incompetent to resist. Instead of resisting the invasion, the ruler's and administrator's strategy was to conspire with the invaders and let the invaders rob the common man. Cultural and social traits made people weak, distracted, and incapable of improving their lot.

It is in this environment of great riches for few and utter poverty for most; brutal suppression by their own rulers; foreign invasions; stifling social structures, practices and beliefs; that the native people of North India produced its finest model for social, political and economic prosperity.

This model of social, political and economic prosperity is at the core of the Sikh religion. The Sikh religion is more than a religion. It is a practical, rational and proven model for social, political and economic prosperity to benefit all those who had for centuries been suppressed(Sarbat da Bhala: prosperity for all). It was intended to be pan-India, inclusive, and a stand-alone independent model and religion.

It aims to benefit all, irrespective of their race, religion, language, beliefs, etc. Crucially, it does not rely on everyone to understand it, or follow the religion, or change their religion. It relies on authentic Sikhs in key positions of political, administrative, and military power; assuring security, economic prosperity and social freedom for all. It is this unspoken social contract that has been lost and is not understood by the modern world indoctrinated by NeoLiberalism on Democracy.

With the establishment of Sikh rule under Banda Singh Bahadur in 1710, "he earned the blessings of the poor and destitute whose cries had not been heard by any for centuries past", and "he introduced one of the greatest fiscal reforms in the country by abolishing the Zamindari system of the Mughals which had reduced the cultivators to the position of slaves... the actual cultivators of the soil became the proprietors of their holdings, and the oppression resulting from the old system was forever eradicated from the Punjab": S. Ganda Singh in 'Life of Banda Singh Bahadur'.

The model was a great success until the British colonialism with its guns, superior technology and deceit destroyed the just and fair empire of Sikh Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

The conditions in today's Neoliberal world are exactly the same as in 'Jahangirs's India'. The Corporate rulers of today are incompetent, clueless of their incompetence, greedy, self-centered dangerous narcissists; and only concerned with their riches, comfort, and pleasures. The elite educated intellectuals sell their knowledge and intellect in the form of 'jobs' and 'careers' to the highest bidder(always the rich rulers). The ordinary people are brutally suppressed ("use as much violence toward the gate as you want"). Large corporations and brands are above the law or bend the laws, and control the economy and food production. Family and social structures that held communities together have been intentionally destroyed by the Deep State with support of the elite intellectuals and the media. The life of most ordinary people is of "poverty so great and miserable that the life of the people can be depicted or accurately described only as the home of stark want and the dwelling-place of bitter woe".

History is repeating itself.

Sikh religion is much more than a religion. It is India's finest philosophy. It is a practical, rational and proven model for social, political and economic prosperity; developed by natives of a great ancient civilization at its peak; during its time of greatest need; and for the benefit of all. It was relevant then, and is relevant today.

* * *

This Untold History of India has rarely if ever been told because the oppressive rulers don't want you to know about this practical, rational and proven model for social, political and economic prosperity. Lies are propagated and people indoctrinated from a young age that the current Neoliberal model is natural and the best for all. As George Monbiot said: "Your Slavery is their Freedom".

The so-called educated intellectual elite will use their intellect and knowledge to discredit it, the administration will brutally suppress those who talk about it, and the corporate rulers will bankroll the suppression via the media. The oppressed people will stay distracted and unaware due to their moral degradation and stifling social structures, practices and beliefs.

"Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth": George Orwell.

It is now up to you to tell this untold history.

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