Why us

Read what we have to say because we offer a unique perspective built on our real world experiences, anecdotes, philosophy, history, and our shared values.

Read what we have to say because we have a vested interest in being right.

Our ideas are battle tested in the real world everyday by us. You should too.

Why should you read what we have to say?

We don't believe in anyone relying on a single source of information. Any single source of information is prone to get corrupted from internal or external factors. Read what we say along with other reliable sources of news and information, and counter-points. Avoid sources of mis-information and dis-information for they intentionally mis-lead you and distract you.

Read what we have to say because we offer original thought, analysis, a unique perspective built on our real-world experiences, anecdotes, philosophy, history, and our shared values.

"Ultimately a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Read what we have to say because we have a vested interest in being right. We live by what we say to thrive and flourish in the world we live in. We have no safety net. If we are wrong, we see the effect in our daily life immediately.

Read what we have to say because we encourage you to think with probing questions, provoking thought, and providing original thought and analysis without favor or influence.

Our ideas are battle-tested in the real world everyday by us. You should too.

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Mis-informed, dis-informed, and not informed

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