
If we want our politicians, government, and corporations to be honest, not hypocritical, far-sighted, and fair, then we have to simultaneously be that ourselves. Not before, not after, but at the same time.

Any change we talk of should involve internal as well as external change. Internal change is what we as individuals, family, and community must go through. External change is where we force others such as the politicians, government and corporations to change.

The 10 Great Sikh Gurus created a new religion and united a group of people with a different mindset, while simultaneously fighting the oppression of the rulers.

Mahatma Gandhi advocated for internal change in Indian society by fighting against untouchability and other negative traits of Indian culture, while simultaneously campaigning against British colonial rule and its injustice and exploitation.

Treatment of almost all diseases involves simultaneously taking care of your health, while removing the external factors such as infection or pollutants.

It is naive to think that the oppressed don't need to change their mindset and behavior when fighting oppression. It is equally self-defeating and a strategic blunder to just focus on improving oneself without being on offensive against the external forces of oppression, extortion, and exploitation.

Both internal and external change needs to happen simultaneously and in parallel.

Be very careful as the external party you are trying to change will emphasize your internal weakness and use it as an excuse to deflect pressure on them to change. Never be involved in any discussion of your internal problems with anyone outside your group, family or community as it is used to deflect attention away from external change.

This is why this website talks about changing our culture, as well as recognizing the external forces at work keeping us un-informed, fighting with each other, and engaged in trivial pursuits.

If we want our politicians, government, and corporations to be honest, not hypocritical, far-sighted, and fair, then we have to simultaneously be that ourselves. Not before, not after, but at the same time.

"The soft-minded man always fears change. He feels security in the status quo, and he has an almost morbid fear of the new. For him, the greatest pain is the pain of a new idea" – Martin Luther King Jr.

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