The Great Reset
Deep State
Wealth Transfer
Dec 21, 2022
Great Reset is a slow restructuring of the global social economic political model.
The Great Reset is a move by the rich and powerful to grab more power and wealth. It will have global social, economic and political consequences.
Great Reset is a slow restructuring of the global social economic political model.
The Great Reset is a move by the rich and powerful to grab more power and wealth. It will have global social, economic and political consequences.
To understand the Great Reset, it is necessary to understand the context, history, and current affairs.
Who Rules the World?
Large corporations, rich investors, and oligarchs of USA rule the world. This is authoritatively discussed in the book "Who Rules the World" by Noam Chomsky.
Book review here.
They rule the world by financing(and thereby controlling) the Deep State.
They rule the world by:
Funding campaigns of American politicians
Promoting narcissistic and toxic bureaucrats
Influencing global public discourse via think tanks and for-hire "apparatchiks and commissars, the technocratic and policy-oriented" intellectuals
Manipulating minds of their people via corporate control of media, movies, celebrity culture, social media, and media influencers
...ample evidence that securing state power from the domestic population and securing concentrated private power are driving forces in policy formation.
- Chapter 13: Whose Security? How Washington Protects Itself and the Corporate Sector. Page 152.
Despite the piteous laments, the United States remains the world’s dominant power by a large margin, with no competitor in sight, and not only in the military dimension, in which, of course, the United States reigns supreme.
China and India have recorded rapid (though highly inegalitarian) growth, but remain very poor countries, with enormous internal problems not faced by the West.
- Chapter 6: Is America Over? Page 70.
Uncertainty and conspiracy theories
Nothing is certain. For every article on The Great Reset, there is another one saying the exact opposite and calling it a conspiracy theory.
It could take years(but not decades) for Great Reset to manifest. It will likely be a 'slow moving coup' where change happens slowly so people will not notice or realize it, and so won't oppose it.
Change will be sugar coated and presented as a necessary life-saving response to global crisis such as COVID, wars, cyber security incident, banking system crash, rising inequality, current global crisis, climate crisis etc.
The real agenda being pushed by the Deep State will not be revealed. Global media and thinktanks will work to spread FUD(Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt).
This lack of clarity, combined with the plan being launched by an influential organisation, provided fertile ground for conspiracy theories to grow". -
BBC Reality Check.
However, we can infer from Deep State's actions what the Great Reset is.
The Deep State's objective is to acquire power and wealth. They don’t care about the planet, human life, climate crisis, public or anything else. They are driven by mental sickness of extreme narcissism and have no hesitation to destroy the world in their pursuit of power.
Noam Chomsky's book 'Who Rules the World' gives several examples where the mentally sick narcissists in pursuit of power and dominance took the world to the edge of global destruction. Only the actions of low and mid-level individuals saved the planet.
The Great Reset is just more of the same old planet destroying ideology running unchecked.
Why there will be a Great Reset?
The Great Reset is a move by the rich and powerful to grab more power and wealth, and it will have global economic, political and social consequences.
The public does not need it. The poor don't need it. The planet does not need it. It is not necessary or useful to anyone. It is solely for the powerful and rich to get more powerful and rich at the expense of the rest, at the risk of Planetary destruction.
Size of USA economy in 2022 is $23 trillion($23,000 billion). USA National(government) debt is $31tn.
When you factor in unfunded liabilities in Medicare and Social Security, the debt skyrockets to well over $100 trillion(3x the GDP of USA). That amount can never be paid off." -
Schiff Gold.
USA has borrowed heavily, and the borrowing is likely to increase over time, and that debt will never be paid off.
USA debt is rising, and the interest rate is also increasing. This makes paying debt twice as hard.
USA took on a lot of debt that was used to make oligarchs richer, and governments bigger and autocratic. The middle class and the poor never saw any of the benefit of this debt, and became more poor from the resulting inflation.
USA will spend more on Interest payment than it spends on military by 2029.
Debt makes rich and powerful richer, and the poor poorer. However, the rich and powerful still want more as they are driven by toxic narcissism and sickness of the mind. They will never be satisfied.
Rising debt is one of the components triggering the Great Reset.
There will be a Great Reset because of a perfect storm of several developments. We are at cross roads of History. The global economic system is changing as a result of new ideas and technologies, failure of existing systems, incompetent governance, and obsolete technology.
Here are some of the major simultaneous changes which will trigger the Great Reset:
Americas debt: Time for a great reset of the financial system. A 30-year debt supercycle that has fuelled inequality illustrates the need for a new regime".
Decline of America and Rise of China: "a major geopolitical contest between America and China is both inevitable and avoidable" –
Kishore Mahbubani, Singapore Diplomat, author, former President of the United Nations Security Council, and Dean of National University of Singapore.
End of pax Americana and change in perception of America: USA is seen as a rogue superpower internally and across the world. The actions of its out of control Deep State are now a threat to life on Earth. “the single greatest external threat to their societies,” and that “the prime rogue state today is the United States,” to quote Samuel P. Huntington, Harvard professor of the science of government, and Robert Jervis, president of the American Political Science Association.
Fourth Industrial revolution: AI, drones, solar power etc. which will lead to shift in balance of power and wealth to the East.
What is the Great Reset?
Great Reset is a move by the rich and powerful to grab more power and wealth, and it will have global economic, political and social consequences.
Digital currencies: Digital currency allows governments to track, tax to the max, and control economy and every aspect of spending. Governments will have complete visibility and control over every transaction. They will do it for the narcissism of their sick minds, and to enslave people with control and legalized extortion. All of this will be done as a response to a crisis like cyber attack, latest global crisis, tackle money laundering, terrorism etc.
Gold confiscation: Central Banks are buying record amounts of Gold. They will confiscate Gold held by the public and make CBDC and digital currency mandatory for all transactions.
De-dollarization of the world: world no longer interested or able to trade in dollar. All countries are worried about economic sanctions after USA weaponized the dollar and SWIFT payment system against Russia.
- Russia and India trade in Rupee
- Saudia Arabia and China trade in Petro yuan
- Decline of USA, rise of China: "a major geopolitical contest between America and China is both inevitable and avoidable" – Kishore Mahbubani, Singapore Diplomat, author, former President of the United Nations Security Council, and Dean of National University of Singapore.
- USA is arrogant(ਦਾਦਾਗਿਰੀ)
- USA is a "is a rigid and inflexible plutocracy"
- "America was often supple, flexible, and rational in its decision making, while the Soviet Union was rigid, inflexible, and doctrinaire. But today, he argues that we should replace the word America with China and the words Soviet Union with America, most notably when it comes to defense spending."
- Western domination of world is 'over': Former French ambassador Gerard Araud - FRANCE 24 English
- Higher taxes and High inflation: Every government will introduce digital currency, and digitally create money of virtually infinite value out of thin air. As with traditional money printing, the oligarchs and government will be beneficiary of this. The middle class and poor will be left behind to deal with the resulting inflation. Inflation is another indirect tax by government on the poor.
- People get poor, the richest and the governments get richer: In other words, The Great Reset is a ‘loot’ and money grab at global scale. The greatest wealth transfer in history will take place over the next three years.
- Techno-feudalism(ਨਵੀੰ ਜਾਗੀਰਦਾਰੀ): This will undo everything the great Sikh General and Administrator Banda Singh Bahadur did in early 1700s. People will be serfs(medieval slaves) to a few rich oligarchs. Public will be kept barely alive by cheap food that has no nutrition, handouts of digital currency, dopamine of social media, and trashy culture.
- Fascist governments: fake democracy and no human rights or freedom of speech anywhere in the world. E.g. your accounts and property can be seized in Canada, ED raids in India, de-platform and cancel culture in USA.
- Permacrisis: word of the year for 2022. Constant multi-dimensional crisis at global scale. People ask the government for help during crisis as they lack the intellect and organizational skills to deal with any problems. The outcome of most crisis is that governments acquire new powers and become more dictatorial with every crisis.
- Corporations dictate governments: corporations force border controls, and open new borders.
- Military conflicts: Monetary resets and economic wars usually lead to military wars. Center of influence shifts from the West to the East. This will lead to wars, post war negotiations and new political and economic opportunities. "In every country surveyed, the majority of respondents felt that a world war could break out in coming years."
The Great Reset "objective is to establish, wherever possible,
a new equilibrium among political, economic, social, and environmental
systems toward common goals. Ultimately, the only limit within this category is our collective imagination. As we emerge from a moment of great crisis, we can imagine a "great reset."
Rockefeller foundation.
closest parallel is the post-World War II era, which led to massive economic and societal changes." - Source:
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